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Healthcare team


James Green, male

PG Cert, BSc (Hons), MCPara

Kirsty Jukes, female

FdSc (Hertfordshire), MCPara

Clinical pharmacists

Mr Dharmesh Shah, male


Mr Raad Zarrinpanah, male


Dani Wildbore, female

BTEC & NVQ Level 3, GPhC


Peace Aniogbo, female

Meha Daruj, female

Social prescriber

Alison Coleman, female

Community midwives

We have a team of midwives attached to the practice who provide both antenatal and post natal care. Antenatal clinics are run at both Moors Walk and Peartree Lane Surgeries. For times and appointments please contact the receptionist at your local surgery.

Community nurses

District nurses provide nursing care to patients in the community. Messages for them may be left at any time at Peartree Lane Surgery.

Community psychiatric nurses can provide counselling services and support in the community for patients. Their services are usually arranged via the doctor or by referral from the mental health team at the QEII hospital.

Health visitors

We have a team of health visitors attached to the practice who are available for advice and support on child care and family health matters. Health visitors carry out regular development checks on all children under five years by appointment. Well baby clinics are held at Moors Walk and Peartree Surgeries and details can be obtained from the receptionists. They can be contacted at Peartree and Moors Walk on 01707 329292.