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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

We run the following clinics and services:

Respiratory clinics and services

Asthma reviews

If your symptoms are deteriorating, or you are having any concerns, please make a face to face appointment with our nurse.

If you have received a letter inviting you to make an appointment for an asthma review, please do so. Depending on the type of medication you currently use, it is not always appropriate to submit the review form online. You will need to see or speak to a GP or nurse if you have been asked to.

Childhood development clinics

Six week checks for babies prior to vaccination should be booked through reception.


Childhood immunisation clinics

We run childhood immunisation clinics at both Peartree Lane and Moors Walk surgeries. These will be discussed with parents of newborn babies by either the health visitor or doctor.

Appointments are usually sent out by the health authority but more information may be obtained from the surgery.

Family planning/cervical smear tests

The practice offers a full range of family planning services including prescriptions for oral contraceptives, morning after pill, fitting caps and coils and ring pessary insertion and removal

Smear tests involve an examination of the cervix (the neck of the womb) to check for warning signs which may occur before cancer develops. We recommend that all women between the ages of 25 and 65 should have regular smear tests.

Flu clinics

These are offered each winter from early October. Vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with asthma, heart disease, diabetes or suffer with recurrent bronchitis, or those patient who are over 65 years of age.

Flu vaccination clinic details may be obtained from reception. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.

Maternity services

We provide antenatal care and postnatal examinations in conjunction with the community midwives at both Peartree Lane and Moors Walk surgeries.

These are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Minor surgery clinics

The doctors undertake minor surgical procedures at both Peartree Lane and Moors Walk surgeries. Please arrange a call back with your duty doctor to discuss whether your case is suitable for minor surgery or not.

He or she will then recommend that you make an appointment for the minor surgery clinic.

Phlebotomy (blood test) clinics

We also have a phlebotomy (blood test) session 4 times a week, two at Peartree Lane Surgery and two at Moors Walk Surgery.

Alternatively, if you need blood taken and have the relevant form, you can visit the New QEII’s pathology department. Blood tests are available:

  • Monday to Thursday 8am to 5:30pm (excludes bank holidays)
  • Friday 8am to 5pm
  • Saturday 9am to midday

Mornings are generally the busiest time for blood tests, so unless you need to fast before your test it is recommended to go later in the day. Mondays and Tuesdays are the usually the busiest days of the week and Tuesdays following a bank holidays are always particularly busy and best avoided unless your blood test is urgent.

The anti-coagulation services takes place in Howlands Clinic which is opposite the Urgent Care Centre entrance.

To contact phlebotomy please call 01707 247 544 or 01707 247 545.

Tetanus vaccination

A booster may be needed for patients over 15 years old if they completed a tetanus course more than 10 years ago. If you completed a course and think you may need a booster please check with a practice nurse before booking an appointment.

Health reviews

If you would like a heath review you must be:

  • Aged between 40 and 74
  • Have no pre-existing long-term conditions such as: COPD, asthma, diabetes, dementia and cardiovascular disease
  •  Have not had a health check in the past five year
Diabetes clinics

The diabetic clinic is supervised by two senior GP partners and run by a team of trained nurses. The nursing team have attended specialist diabetes training and accreditation in order to deliver this service.

Patients at Peartree who are diagnosed with diabetes will be invited for an annual review. The administration team at Peartree will invite each diabetic annually to have a blood test and book an appointment at the surgery. Peartree operate 3 diabetes clinics each week to provide ongoing care for our diabetic patients. If you are overdue a review and have not been invited please contact the surgery to allow us to investigate.

It is important you attend annual review to ensure your lifestyle and medications are working optimally for you.

Other clinics and services available
  • COPD clinics
  • Travel clinics
  • Asthma clinics
  • Wound management
  • 12 lead ECGs
  • Ear irrigation / ear wax removal
  • Home blood pressure monitoring